Wow, It’s been more than two months without me blogging. But what months… 🙂
We’ve been to the marvellous Spain. Three weeks was enough time to completely forget my “ordinary” life and all the incomplete things fighting for my attention. While in Spain I’ve deliberately chosen to stay away from computers and then when we returned I still kept away from computers for a while driven by the inertia. I mean Internet connected PCs – you can’t easily avoid computers cause they are everywhere these days – in the camera, in the GPS, in the car, in the phone…
We travelled around Andalusia and some of Madrid and Valencia regions. We’ve been to Valencia, Mojacar, Granada, Tarifa, Seville, Cordoba, Madrid, Segovia, Avila, Toledo to name few. Overall we traveled about 4000 kilometres. It sounds like great distance but that’s only 10% of the Earth’s circumference. And still it’s quite a lot for three weeks 🙂
Spain is a big and diverse country. It meant lots of broken stereotypes for me. It’s organized into several autonomous communities and some of them even have their own local languages. For example at the Valencia’s airport there were signs in English, Castellano and Valenciano. Different landscapes, different cultures… We’ve seen wild flamingos, deer, wild boars, great sand dunes, countless beautiful beaches, white villages, castles, the big and modern Madrid. And I can’t find words to describe how delicious the food was.
From the local news – the 6th annual OpenFest conference – was held on 1st and 2nd of November. I liked only three of the lectures: “ – 40 million pages a day” by Nikolay Bachiyski, “28 Months Scalability” by Slavi Nikolov and “Free Hardware” by Radoslav Kolev. In my opinion the main problem was the weak presentational skills of the other lecturers. I know it’s easy to sit aside and criticise, so I’d be better take part and make a presentation for the next year’s OpenFest.
We used the opportunity to exchange PGP keys on the key signing party kindly organised by Peter Pentchev. There was a pleasant “unofficial after-party” as well, so overall I’d call this OpenFest a success.
At work I’m currently having fun with things like DRBD, Hearbeat, OpenVZ… My impressions from DRBD so far are that it’s a very complete product. Decent documentation, predictable behaviour. I wonder whether it has something to do with it’s commercial backing? OpenVZ looks quite complete as well.
I started to use my Facebook account a little bit more because some of my friends use it and it’s rather convenient way to show your pictures 🙂 And Niki invited people to his birthday party via Facebook. Niiice party 😀
I spend some time learning the Kohana framework + jquery + CSS. I don’t use it for something specific at the moment – just trying to figure out what is it like to create websites with modern tools like these. Most of the time I’m quite busy with system administration and I started to feel too far behind the web technologies 🙂 So far it looks very powerful – nothing to do with the way things were done 5-6 years ago. I’ve tried to make a collapsed tree (ul/li) in which branches are dynamically populated on expansion by ajax – it fit in less than 10 lines of Kohana/Jquery. And it work’s on each browser I’ve tried so far. Impressive!
И те така те.
Maybe I’ll write in more details on the aforementioned topics. Or maybe won’t – only time will tell :-P. If you happen to know Bulgarian you can read more about our journey through Spain at Antonia’s blog:
By the way I’m looking for a book called Getting Things Done: The ABCs of Time Management by Edwin Bliss but I’m left with the impression that this book is out of print. Any ideas where to find it? Especially if there’s PDF or other open format version because I hate to wait for the dead-tree books to arrive. Moreover they are bulky and inconvenient to carry around.
I am glad you liked the talk 🙂 I forgot to say lots of stuff, but I hope we will have another scalability seminar in the near future.
Even if you didn’t forget anything that’s about what could be said in 45 minutes or so. Very interesting stuff anyhow 🙂
I found the book at Amazon:
I’m in the UK now, but I’ll go back to Sofia for the holidays. If you wish I can buy the book for you. The bad news is that the book is used, but I guess this ain’t a problem.
Oh, Djgeorge, that’s very kind! Thank you very much! I’m considering buying soon a larger batch of books from amazon, including this one. But nevertheless many thanks for your willingness to help 🙂
No problem. If you have any difficulties buying or transporting something from the UK to Bulgaria, consider me as an option. I am a fan of your and Antonia’s blog and I’m always happy to help. 🙂
Gosh, we are stars 🙂 Just kidding 🙂
Thank you very much for the idea, Djgeorgie, you are so kind! However it is very possible that we’ll get into a new travel quite soon. Probably within a month. And we have already planned a long and expensive stop at the local bookstore, which is enormous and absolutely fascinating. And we somehow prefer to buy the books after we turn over some pages, just to make sure we really like what we are getting.
Once again — thank you 🙂 We do appreciate it.
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Hello Toto!
I realise I am commenting on an article more than six months old, but I just found your blog now.
First, thank you for the very flattering words!
Second, I don’t know if you remember me, but we have met ~10 years ago (around 2000). Back then I started my first “serious” job as a Linux/network admin for a small ISP in Kardjali, where you had done the initial setup of the infrastructure.
I am the guy who was harassing you with numerous phone calls and emails, even once showing up right in your office at You have been very patient and answered all my questions. I have learned a lot from you, or just by looking at how you had done the initial set up. Also you were the guy I called when stuck with an unknown problem and all client’s Internet access was down.
It may be 10 years late, but people say it’s better late than never – a big thank you for the hand holding you provided!
I lived in Sofia for some years, but I’m back in Kardjali now. I still come to Sofia from time to time though. If you want I’d be more than happy to convert the above virtual thanks into a couple of more tangible glasses filled with pale amber liquid.
Best regards,
Hey Rado 🙂
I had that subtle feeling that we’ve met before but I couldn’t remember when or where.
For the last two years me and some friends of mine have been touring the Rhodopi montains from Velingrad to Kardjali and beyond. I’m still not sure if we’d go this year. On the other hand I’m born in Kardjali and I have relatives there, so perhaps I’ll drop by anyway and I’ll give you a call. I’m going to ask you for an IM/phone via email.